Internationalizing Teacher Education: Who gains and who loses?
Justin Saldana
Review of Arts and Humanities, 1(1), pp. 01-07.

This paper problematizes the discourse of internationalizing teacher education using a critical framework of difference. The notions of difference, power and subjectivity are used to unpack the academic and pedagogical practices of internationalizing teacher education. Internationalizing teacher education should involve the questioning of power dynamics in the privileging and marginalization of knowledge, skills, and ways of being, knowing and doing. Johang Galtung’s concept of Cultural Violence is used in establishing a point of reference from which to explain that by participating in this experience abroad the participants are helping to legitimize, effectuate and reproduce an unequal division of power and resources. Galtung’s model of language and cultural imperialism is used to describe the potential harm that internationalizing teacher education might bring to already unequal power relationships in host locations.

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Saldana, Justin. (2013). Internationalizing Teacher Education: Who gains and who loses? Review of Arts and Humanities, 1(1), pp. 01-07.

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Justin Saldana, PhD
Associate Professor
University of La Verne
1950 Third Street, La Verne, CA 91750, USA.