A Comparative Evaluation of Direct Private Costs in Day and Boarding Schools after the introduction of free secondary education in the Kenyan schools
Dr. Nelson Jagero
Review of Arts and Humanities, 1(1), pp. 31-41.

The purpose of the study was to evaluate direct private cost of educating day and a boarding student in secondary schools and to establish how the direct private cost of education determine the student choice of admission to day or boarding secondary schools in Kenya after the introduction of free secondary education in Kenya by the government in January 2008.After the introduction there were 1.2 million additional students enrolled in the secondary education sector. The population consisted of five head teachers, 140 form four teachers and 609 form four students, 281 day students and328 boarding students. Saturated and systematic random samplings were used in the study. The sample size was as follows; all the five head teachers, 43 form four teachers and 93 day students and103 boarding students. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found out that the funds introduced for free secondary education only caters for 40.44% of the total private cost for day student and 28.23% of the cost for boarders and 72.7% of the day students preferred being in boarding schools. They were in day schools since 81.5% lacked boarding fee.

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Jagero, Dr. Nelson. (2013). A Comparative Evaluation of Direct Private Costs in Day and Boarding Schools after the introduction of free secondary education in the Kenyan schools. Review of Arts and Humanities, 1(1), pp. 31-41.

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Dr. Nelson Jagero
Director Open and Distance Education
African University
Mutare, Zimbabwe.